Installation and Maintenance Services
Carna Engineering is specialized in the start-up and every type of maintenance intervention for automated packaging systems and automatic warehousing systems, used for a variety of activities such as the building materials industry, the paper-cardboard industry, the food industry, the construction industry and other industries.

Strapping Head Service
Carna Engineering has a wide experience with automatic packaging machines, especially strapping of pallets with PP and PET straps. In this area, we provide efficient support and maintenance of strapping heads for PP and PET straps.
We can substitute your strapping head during the maintenance, while your strapping head is inspected, cleaned, and replaced for proper functioning.
It is important for us to work in the way your production process continues successfully.

Remote Assistant
We allow our users to temporarily view or control a remote Windows computer over a network or the Internet to resolve issues without directly touching the unit, if necessary.
We provide on-line assistance where we make a connection with your system, and analyze your needs to adapt your system to the new challenges of the market. Together, we can find the most suitable solution and update the software for future successes.

Automated Warehouse
With our experience, we can advise you on the best solution for your automated warehouse needs. We can assembly an automated warehouse and customize the software for your specific requirements.
Our support can range from assisting you in learning how to use automated warehouse to providing maintenance service and on-line support, where we are always available to solve any problems that may appear.